Tree Unagain
I've noticed many people are saying they don't understand the concept of this flash. To that I say that's half the point. The other half is half as confusing as the first. Heh. Sometimes I feel I'm on the same wave lengths as you as far as thinking goes and wondering/designing how the world is put together in unknown sources.
At any rate, this was very well done, more so as far as concept is concerned. The actual flash quality and design can be improved, such as a few sticky animated portions and bad sound quality. I don't mean when you meant to make the vocals and sounds fade around and get bizarre, I'm talking about instances where we couldn't hear the character's narration because your background music was too loud, and some other cases. But I liked the sound crossings and how his sentences would fade into others, very creative, well done.
As far as the meaning behind this whole thing: I've got my own interpretation of it all, and I feel that's part of what you want people to do, but also, I believe I understand things you're saying as well. Not all of course. No one will ever know the deepest things hidden in works such as these, sometimes not even the creators.
Good work though. Pretty creepy, pretty insightful, pretty pretty.